Journal Papers in Nonlinear Dynamics



1.                          G. Litak, W. Przystupa, K. Szabelski, J. Warmiński  “Chaotic Vibration of a Gear System: Strange Attractor Destruction by  White Noise”, Folia Societatis Scientiarum Lublinensis 4 (1995) 5-16.


2.                          K. Szabelski, G. Litak, W. Przystupa, J. Warmiński, "Chaotic Vibration Affected by Initial Conditions in a Parametrically and Externally Excited System with Backlash", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 3 (1996) 567-577.


1.                          G. Litak, G. Spuz-Szpos, K. Szabelski, J. Warmiński, "Vibration Analysis of Self-Excited System with Parametric Forcing and Nonlinear Stiffnes", Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 9 (1999) 493-504.

2.                          G. Litak, G. Spuz-Szpos, K. Szabelski, J. Warmiński, "Vibration of Externally Forced Froude Pendulum", Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 9 (1999) 561-570.


3.                          J. Warmiński, G. Litak, K. Szabelski, "Synchronisation and Chaos in a Parametrically and Self-Excited System with Two Degrees of Freedom”, Nonlinear Dynamics 22 (2000) 135-153.

4.                          G. Litak, ”Drgania Nieliniowe w Procesie Obróbki Skrawaniem”, Folia Societatis Scientiarum Lublinensis, 9 (2000) 52-58.


5.                          R. Rusinek, J. Warmiński, K. Szabelski, A. Teter, G. Litak, J. Lipski, K. Zaleski,  ”Wpływ zmiennych parametrów toczenia wzdłużnego na jakość powierzchni obrobionej”, Eksploatacja i Niezawodność 5 (2001) 41-42.


6.                          G. Litak, "Chaotic Vibrations in a Regenerative Cutting Process", Chaos, Solitons & Fractals  13 (2002) 1531-1535.

7.                          J. Lipski, G. Litak, R. Rusinek, K. Szabelski, A. Teter, J. Warmiński, and K. Zaleski, "Surface Quality of a Work Material's Influence on Vibrations in a Cutting Process", Journal of Sound and Vibration 252 (2002) 729-737.


8.                          G. Litak, M.I. Friswell, "Vibrations in Gear Systems", Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 16 (2003) 795-800.

9.                          J. Warmiński, G. Litak, M.P. Cartmell, R. Khanin, M. Wiercigroch, "Approximate Analytical Solutions for Primary Chatter in the Nonlinear Metal Cutting Model", Journal of Sound and Vibration 259 (2003) 917-933.

10.                   G. Litak G., K. Szabelski, ”Chaos i stochastyka w układach dynamicznych”, Teka Komisji Budowy i Eksploatacji Maszyn, Elektrotechniki, Budownictwa PAN Oddział w Lublinie 1 (2003) 19-23.

11.                   M. Wendeker, J. Czarnigowski, G. Litak, K. Szabelski, ”Chaotic Combustion in Spark Ignition Engines”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 18 (2003) 803-806.


12.                   G. Litak, R. Rusinek, A. Teter, ”Nonlinear Analysis of Experimental Time Series of a Straight Turning Process”, Meccanica 39 (2004) 105-112.

13.                   M. Wendeker, G. Litak, J. Czarnigowski, K. Szabelski, ”Nonperiodic Oscillations of Pressure in a Spark Ignition Combustion Engine”, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 14 (2004) 1801-1806.

14.                   T. Kamiński, M. Wendeker, K. Urbanowicz, G. Litak, ”Combustion Process in a Spark Ignition Engine: Dynamics and Noise Level Estimation”, Chaos 14 (2004) 461-466.


15.                   G. Litak, R. Taccani, R. Radu, K. Urbanowicz, M. Wendeker, J.A. Hołyst, A. Giadrossi, “Estimation of the Noise Level Using Coarse-Grained Entropy of Experimental Time Series of Internal Pressure in a Combustion        Engine”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 23 (2005) 1695-1701.

16.                   G. Litak, M. Wendeker, M. Krupa and J. Czarnigowski, ”A Numerical Study of a Simple Stochastic/Deterministic Model of Cycle-to-cycle Combustion Fluctuations in Spark Ignition Combustion Engines”, Journal of Vibration     and Control 11 (2005) 371-379.

17.                   G. Litak, M.I. Friswell, “Dynamics of a Gear system with Faults in Meshing Stiffness”, Nonlinear Dynamics 41 (2005) 415-421.


18.                   G. Litak, M. Borowiec, “Oscillators with Asymmetric Single and Double Well Potentials: Transition to Chaos Revisited”, Acta Mechanica 184 (2006) 47-59.

19.                   M. Borowiec, G. Litak, M.I. Friswell, “Nonlinear Response of an Oscillator with a Magneto-Rheological Damper Subjected to External Forcing”, Applied Mechanics and Materials 5-6 (2006) 277-284.

20.                   Syta, J. Gajewski, G. Litak, J. Jonak, ”Analiza Nieliniowa Przebiegu Czasowego Mocy Urabiania Głowicą Wielonarzedziową”, Przegląd Mechaniczny 65(12S),  (2006) 140-142.

21.                   M. Borowiec, G. Litak, H. Troger, ”Vibrations of a Pendulum with Oscillating Support and Extra Torque”, PAMM – Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 6 (2006) 291-292.


22.                   M. Borowiec, G. Litak, A. Syta, ”Vibration of the Duffing Oscillator: Effect of Fractional Damping”, Shock and Vibration 14 (2007) 29-36.

23.                   G. Litak, A. Syta, M. Borowiec, ”Suppression of Chaos by Weak Resonant Excitations in a Nonlinear Oscillator with a Non-Symetric Potential”, Chaos, Solitons  & Fractals 32 (2007) 694-701.

24.                   G. Litak, M. Borowiec, M. Ali, L.M. Saha, M.I. Friswell, “Pulsive Feedback Control of a Quarter Car Model Forced by a Road Profile”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 33 (2007) 1672-1676.

25.                   G. Litak, M. Ali, L.M. Saha, “Pulsive Feedback Control for Stabilizing Unstable Periodic Orbits in a Nonlinear Oscillator with a Non-symmetric Potential”, Int J Bifurcation and Chaos 17 (2007) 2797–2803.

26.                   G. Litak, T. Kamiński, J. Czarnigowski, D. Żukowski, M. Wendeker, ”Cycle-to-Cycle Oscillations of Heat Release in a Spark Ignition Engine”, Meccanica 42 (2007) 423–433.

27.                   G. Litak, M. Borowiec, A. Syta, ”Vibration of Generalized  Double Well Oscillators”, Z. Angew. Math. Mech.  87 (2007) 590-602.

28.                   A.K. Sen, G. Litak, A. Syta, ”Cutting Process Dynamics by Nonlinear Time Series and Wavelet Analysis”, Chaos 17 (2007) 023133.


29.                   G. Litak, T. Kamiński, R. Rusinek, J. Czarnigowski, M. Wendeker, “Patterns in the Combustion Process in a Spark Ignition Engine”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 35 (2008) 578–585.

30.                   A.K. Sen, R. Longwic, G. Litak, K. Górski, “Cycle-to-Cycle Pressure Oscillations in a Diesel Engine”,  Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing  (2008). 22 (2008) 362–373.

31.                   G. Litak, M. Borowiec, M.I. Friswell, K. Szabelski, “Chaotic Vibration of a Quarter-Car Model Excited by the Road Surface Profile”, Communication in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations 13 (2008) 1373-1383.

32.                   A. Syta, G. Litak, ”Stochastic Description of the Deterministic Ricker’s Population Model”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 37 (2008) 262-268.

33.                   G. Litak, J. Gajewski, A. Syta, J. Jonak, ” Quantitative Estimation of the Tool Wear Effects in a Ripping Head by Recurrence Plots”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 46 (2008) 521-530.

34.                   A.K. Sen, G. Litak, R. Taccani, R. Radu,” Wavelet Analysis of Cycle-to-Cycle Pressure Variations in an Internal Combustion Engine”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 38 (2008)  886-893.

35.                   G. Litak,  M. Borowiec, R. Kasperek, “Response of a Magnetorheological Fluid Damper Subjected to Periodic Forcing in High Frequency Limit”, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 88 (2008) 1000-1004.

36.                   G. Litak, M. Borowiec, M. Wiercigroch, ”Phase locking and rotational motion of a parametric pendulum in noisy and chaotic conditions”, Dynamical Systems 23 (2008) 259-265.

37.                   A.K. Sen, G. Litak, T. Kaminski, and M. Wendeker, “Multifractal and Statistical Analyses of Heat Release Fluctuations in a Spark Ignition Engine”, Chaos 18 (2008) 033115.

38.                   M. Borowiec, G. Litak, J. Hunicz, G. Koszalka, and A. Niewczas, “Vertical vibrations of a vehicle excited by real road profiles, PAMM – Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 8 (2008) 10713-10714.

39.                   G. Litak and M. Borowiec, “Nonlinear vibration of a quarter-car model excited by the Road surface profile, PAMM – Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 8 (2008) 10893-10894.


40.                   G. Litak, A. Syta, B.-F. Yao, and G.-X. Li, ”Indicated Mean Effective Pressure Oscillations in a Natural Gas Combustion Engine by Recurrence PlotsJournal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 47 (2009) 55-67.

41.                   R. Longwic, G. Litak, and A.K. Sen, “Recurrence Plots for Diesel Engine Variability Tests, Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung 64A (2009) 96-102.

42.                   G. Litak, T. Kamiński, J. Czarnigowski, A.K. Sen, and M. Wendeker, ”Combustion Process In a Spark Ignition Engine: Analysis of Cyclic Maximum Pressure and Peak Pressure Angle”, Meccanica 44 (2009) 1-11.

43.                   G. Litak, M. Borowiec, M.I. Friswell, and W. Przystupa, “Chaotic Response of a Quarter-Car Model Excited by the Road Surface Profile with a Stochastic Component”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 39 (2009) 2448-2456.

44.                   G. Litak, M. Borowiec, A. Syta, and K. Szabelski, ”Transition to Chaos in the Self-Excited System with a Cubic Double Well Potential and Parametric Forcing”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 40 (2009) 2414-2429.

45.                   G. Litak, R. Kasperek, and K. Zaleski, ”Effect of High-Frequency Excitation in Regenerative Turning of Metals and Brittle Materials”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 40  (2009) 2077-2082.

46.                   G. Litak, A. Syta, and M. Wiercigroch, “Identification of Chaos in a Cutting Process by the 0-1 Test”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 40 (2009) 2095-2101.

47.                   G. Litak, M. Geca, B.-F. Yao, and G.-X. Li, “Indicated Mean Effective Pressure Oscillations in a Natural Gas Combustion Engine”,Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung 64A (2009) 393-398.

48.                   G. Litak, A.K. Sen, A. Syta, “Intermittent and Chaotic Vibrations in a Regenerative Cutting Process”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 41 (2009) 2115-2122.

49.                   G. Litak, M. Borowiec, J. Hunicz, G. Koszalka, and A. Niewczas, “Vertical Vibrations of a Delivery Car Excited by Railway Track Crossing, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 42 (2009) 270-276.

50.                   G. Litak and J.T. Sawicki, “Crack Identification by Multifractal Analysis of a Dynamic Rotor Response”, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 89 (2009) 587-592.

51.                   J.T. Sawicki, A.K. Sen, and G. Litak, “Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis of the Dynamics of a Cracked Rotor”, Inter. Journal of Rotating Machinery (2009) 265198.

52.                   M. Gęca, G. Litak, J. Czarnigowski, and K. Pietrykowski, “Diagnostics of the Aircraft Radial Engine by Using the Recurrence Plots Method”, Combustion Engines (Polish journal name: Silniki Spalinowe) SC-058 (2009) 133-140.

53.                   G. Litak,  A. Syta, M. Budhraja, and L.M. Saha,  Detection of the Chaotic Behaviour of a Bouncing Ball by the 0-1 Test”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 42 (2009) 1511-1517.

54.                   G. Litak and J.T. Sawicki, “Intermittent Behaviour of a Cracked Rotor in the Resonance Region, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 42 (2009) 1495-1501.

55.                   G. Litak, R. Longwic, “Analysis of Repeatability of Diesel Engine Acceleration, Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2009) 3574-3578.

56.                   G. Litak, J.T. Sawicki, and R. Kasperek, ”Cracked Rotor Detection by Recurrence Plots”, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 24 (2009) 347-351.

57.                   G. Litak, G. Radons, and S. Schubert, “Identification of Chaos In a Regenerative Cutting Process by the 0-1 Test”, PAMM – Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 9 (2009) 299-300.

58.                   R. Kasperek and G. Litak, “Response of the Mechanical System with the Hysteresis in  a High Frequency Limit”, PAMM – Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 9 (2009) 707-708.

59.                   A. Łabacz-Kęcik, T. Hejwowski, and G. Litak, “Multifractal Analysis of Thermally Sprayed Coatings”, PAMM – Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 9 (2009) 543-544.

60.                   M. Borowiec and G. Litak, “Noisy and Chaotic Conditions of a Pendulum Motion”,  PAMM – Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 9 (2009) 643-644.

61.                   M. Geca, G. Litak, J. Czarnigowski, M. Wendeker, P. Jaklinski, and K. Pietrykowski, ”Diagnostics of a Combustion Process In the Aircraft Radial Engine”, PAMM – Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 9 (2009) 677-678. 


62.                   G. Litak, M. Wiercigroch, B.W. Horton, X. Xu, “Transient Chaotic Behaviour Versus Periodic Motion of a Pendulum by Recurrence Plots”,  Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 90 (2010) 33-41.

63.                   M. Borowiec, A.K. Sen, G. Litak, J. Hunicz, G. Koszałka, A. Niewczas, “Vibrations of a Vehicle Excited by Real Road Profiles”, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 74 (2010) 99-109.

64.                   G. Litak, A. Syta, J. Gajewski, and J. Jonak,Detecting and Identifying Non-stationary Courses in the Ripping Head Power Consumption by Recurrence Plots”, Meccanica 45, (2010) 603–608.

65.                   A.K. Sen, G. Litak, C.F.A. Finney, C.S. Daw, and R.M. Wagner, “Analysis of Heat Release Dynamics in an Internal Combustion Engine Using Multifractals and Wavelets”, Applied Energy 87 (2010) 1736-1743.

66.                   A.K. Sen, G. Litak, B.-F. Yao, and G.-X. Li, “Regular and Intermittent Pressure Oscillations in a Natural Gas Engine”, Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 776-779.

67.                   G. Litak, M. Scheffler, and G. Morgenstern, “Analysis of Dynamical Responses for MDF Wooden Material”, PAMM – Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 10 (2010) 253–254.

68.                   G. Litak, M.I. Friswell, and S. Adhikari, “Magnetopiezoelastic Energy Harvesting Driven by Random Excitations”, Applied Physics Letters  96 (2010) 214103.


69.                   A.K. Sen, G. Litak, K.D. Edwards, C.E.A. Finney, C.S. Daw, and R.M. Wagner, “Cyclic Heat Release Variability with Transition from Spark Ignition to HCCI in Internal Combustion Engines”, Applied Energy 88  (2011) 1557-1567.

70.                   G. Litak, A. Syta, J. Gajewski, and J. Jonak, “ Nonlinear Analysis of the Ripping Head Power Time Series, Journal of Vibroengineering 13 (2011) 39-51.

71.                   L. Ruzziconi, G. Litak, and S. Lenci, “Nonlinear Oscillations, Transition to Chaos and Escape in the Duffing System with Non-Classical Damping, Journal of Vibroengineering 13 (2011) 22-38. (pdf-preprint)

72.                   G. Litak and R. Rusinek, “ Vibrations in Stainless Steel Turning: Multifractal and Wavelet Approaches, Journal of Vibroengineering 13 (2011) 102-108.

73.                   R. Longwic, A.K. Sen, K. Górski, W. Lotko, and G. Litak, “Cycle-to-Cycle Variations of the Combustion Process in a Diesel Engine Powered by Different Fuels”, Journal of Vibroengineering  13 (2011) 120-127.

74.                   G. Litak, A. Syta, and R. Rusinek, “Dynamical Changes During Composite Milling: Recurrence and Multiscale Entropy Analysis”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacture Technology 56 (2011)  445-453.

75.                   G. Litak, M. Borowiec, M.I. Friswell, and S. Adhikari, “Energy Harvesting in a Magnetopiezoelastic System Driven by Random Excitations with Uniform and Gaussian Distributions”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 49 (2011) 757-764.

76.                   AW. Lees, MI. Friswell, G. Litak, Torsional Vibration of Machines with Gear Errors, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 305 (2011) 012020, Doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/305/1/012020.

77.                   .A. Kitio Kwuimy, C. Nataraj and G. Litak, “Melnikov’s Criteria, Parametric Control of Chaos, and Stationary Chaos Occurrence in Systems with Asymmetric Potential Subjected to Multiscale Type Excitation, Chaos 21 (2011) 043113.


78.                   G. Litak, J.M. Seoane, S. Zambrano, and M.A.F. Sanjuan, “Nonlinear Response of the Mass-Spring Model with Non-Smooth Stiffness”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 22 (2012) 1250006. (pdf-preprint).

79.                   C.A. Kitio Kwuimy, G. Litak, M. Borowiec, C. Nataraj, “Performance of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Driven by Air Flow, Applied Physics Letters 100 (2012) 024103.

80.                   G. Litak and R. Rusinek, “Dynamics of a Stainless Steel Turning Process by Statistical and Recurrence Analyses”,  Meccanica 47 (2012) 1517-1526.

81.                   G. Litak, S. Schubert, and G. Radons, “Nonlinear Dynamics of a Regenerative Cutting Process”, Nonlinear Dynamics 69 (2012) 1255-1262.

82.                   A. Syta, J. Jonak, L. Jedlinski, and G. Litak, “Failure Diagnosis of a Gear Box by Recurrences”, Journal of  Vibration and Acoustics - Transactions of ASME 134 (2012) 041006 (pdf-preprint).

83.                   D. Bernardini, G. Rega, G. Litak, and A. Syta, “Identification of  Regular and Chaotic Isothermal Trajectories of a Shape Memory Oscillator Using the 0-1 Test”, Proc. IMechE K Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics (2012) in press (pdf-preprint).

84.                   G. Litak, M.I. Friswell, C.A. Kitio Kwuimy, S. Adhikari, and M. Borowiec, Energy Harvesting by Two Magnetopiezoelastic Oscillators with Mistuning, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 2 (2012) 043009 (pdf-preprint).

85.                   M. Geca, M. Wendeker, and G. Litak, “Combustion Variability and Uniqueness in Cylinders of a Large Power Radial Engine”, Journal of Vibroengineering 14 (2012) 582-590.

86.                   M. Borowiec and G. Litak, “Transition to Chaos and Escape Phenomenon in Two Degrees of Freedom Oscillator with a Kinematic Excitation”, Nonlinear Dynamics (2012) in press, doi: 10.1007/s11071-012-05.  

87.                   M.I. Friswell, S.F. Ali, S. Adhikari, A.W. Lees, O. Bilgen, and G. Litak, “Nonlinear Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting from a Vertical Cantilever Beam with Tip Mass, Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures 23 (2012) 1505­-1521.


88.                   G. Litak, K. Kecik, and R. Rusinek, “Cutting Force Response in Milling of Inconel: Analysis by Wavelet and Hilbert-Huang Transforms”, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures  10 (2013) 133-140.

89.                   A.K. Sen, G. Litak, A. Syta, and R. Rusinek, Intermittency and Multiscale Dynamics in Milling of Fiber Reinforced Composites”,  Meccanica 48 (2013) 738-789.

90.                   G. Litak, Y.S. Polyakov, S. F. Timashev, and R. Rusinek, “Dynamics of Stainless Steel Turning: Analysis by Flicker-Noise Spectroscopy, Physica A  392 (2013) 6052–6063.

91.                   G. Litak, D. Bernardini, A. Syta, G. Rega, and A. Rysak, “Analysis of Chaotic Non-isothermal Solutions of Thermomechanical Shape Memory Oscillators”, European Physical Journal Special Topics 222 (2013) 1637-1647.

92.                   W. Martens, U. von Wagner, and G. Litak, “Stationary Response of  Nonlinear Magneto-Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Systems Under Stochastic Excitation”,  European Physical Journal Special Topics  222 (2013) 1665­-1673.

93.                   G. Litak, E. Manoach, “The role of nonlinear dynamics and complexity in new developments in engineering and energy harvesting “, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 222 (2013) 1479­-1482.

94.                   J. Hunicz, M. Geca, A Rysak, G. Litak, P. Kordos, “Combustion Timing Variability in a Light Boosted Controlled Auto-ignition Engine with Direct Fuel Injection, Journal of Vibroengineering 15 (2013) 1093-1101.

95.                   M. Borowiec, G. Litak, M.I. Friswell, S.F. Ali, S. Adhikari, A.W. Lees, and O. Bilgen, “Energy Harvesing in Piezoelastic Systems Driven by Random Excitations”,International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 13  (2013) 1340006.

96.                   G. Litak, J.T. Sawicki ”Regular and Chaotic vibrations in the rub impact model of a Jeffcott rotor with a fractional restore force“,  European Physical Journal Applied Physics 64 (2013) 31303.

97.                   D. Bernardini, G. Rega, G. Litak, and A. Syta, “Identification of Regular and Chaotic Isothermal Trajectories of a Shape Memory Oscillator Using the 0-1 Test”, Proc IMechE Part K: J Multi-body Dynamics 227 (2013) 17-22.

98.                   M. Borowiec, G. Litak, A. Rysak, P.D. Mitcheson, and T.T. Toh, ”Dynamic Response of a Pendulum-Driven Energy Harvester in the Presence of NoiseJournal of Physics: Conference Series 476 (2013) 012038.



99.                   A. Swic, D. Wolos, G. Litak, “Method of control of machining accuracy of low-rigidity elastic-deformable shafts, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures  11 (2014) 260-278.

100.            A. Syta, G. Litak, S. Lenci, M. Scheffler, ”Chaotic Vibrations of the Duffing System with Fractional Dapming”, Chaos 2014 in press.

101.            M. Coccolo, J.M. Seoane, G. Litak, and M.A.F. Sanjuan, “Phase control in the mass-spring model with non-smooth stiffness and external excitation”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (2014) in press.

102.            G. Litak, “Chaotic Response of  Kinematically Excited Pendulum by Recurrence Plots”, Am. Journal of Physics (2013) in preparation.

103.            G. Litak, M. Borowiec, J.M. Seoane, and M.A.F. Sanjuan, “Chaotic Response of a Parametrically Excited Pendulum under an Extra Torque”, Am. Journal of Physics (2013) in preparation.

104.            A.K. Sen, G. Litak, R.M. Wagner, R. Sutton, and J.A. Drallmeier, ”Cyclic Heat Release Variability in a Spark Ignition Engine Under Exhaust Gas Recirculation”, Journal of Vibroengineering (2013) in preparation.