Other Papers



1.                      G. Litak and K.I. Wysokiński, “Transition Temperature of Superconducting Alloys”, I.F. UMCS REPORT (1990)  29-30.


2.                      G. Litak and K.I. Wysokiński, “Electron Correlations in Narrow Band Alloys”, I.F. UMCS REPORT (1991) 25-26.


3.                      G. Litak and K.I. Wysokiński, “On Superconducting Transition Temperature in the Negative U Hubbard Model”,  in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems and Narrow Band Phenomena in Solids, Proc. of the 16th International School of Theoretical Physics, Ustroń-Jaszowiec 16-22 Sep. 1992, pp. 101-116,(Eds. J. Aksamit and M. Matlak, Uniwesytet Śląski, Katowice 1993).

4.                      G. Litak and K.I. Wysokiński, “Correlated Hopping Model of Disordered Superconductor”, I.F. UMCS REPORT (1993) 23-24.


5.                      G. Litak and B.L. Gyorffy, “Recursion Method for Superconductor”, I.F. UMCS REPORT (1994) 27-28.

6.                      G. Litak, W. Przystupa, K. Szabelski and J. Warmiński, “Chaotic Motion of Froude Pendulum”, I.F. UMCS REPORT (1994) 29-30.


7.                      G. Litak, W. Przystupa and J. Warmiński, ”Chaotic Vibration of a Gear System: Dynamic Loads Analisis”, Proc. of  XVII Sympozjon Podstaw Konstrukcji Maszyn, Nałęczów 18-23/09/1995, Lubelskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, Lublin 1995 p. 563-572.

8.                      G. Litak and W. Przystupa, K. Szabelski, ”Drgania chaotyczne przekładni zębatej”, in Modelowanie w Mechanice, Proc. of  XXXIV Sympozjon, Wisła, luty 1995, Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej 1995, Seria: MECHANIKA 122 165-170.


9.                      G. Litak, B.L. Gyorffy and K.I. Wysokiński, “Disorder Induced Fluctuations of Charge and Order Parameter in Superconductor”, Institute of Physics UMCS ANNUAL REPORT (1996) 31-32.

10.                 G. Litak, G. Spuz-Szpos and J. Warmiński, “Shannon and Kolmogorov Entropy for Froude Pendulum”, Proc. of VIBRATIONS IN PHYSICAL  SYSTEMS, XVII SYMPOSIUM,  Poznań-Błażejewko 22-25/05/1996, pp. 190-191.

11.                 G. Litak, J. Warmiński and G. Spuz-Szpos, “Chaos Analysis of the Self-Excited System with External Forcing”, Proc. of VIBRATIONS IN PHYSICAL SYSTEMS, XVII SYMPOSIUM,  Poznań-Błażejewko 22-25/05/1996, pp. 188-189.

12.                 K. Szabelski, G. Litak, J. Warmiński and G. Spuz-Szpos, “Vibrations Synchronization and Chaos in Parametrically Self-Excited System with Non-Linear Elasticity”, Proceedings of EUROMECH - 2nd European Nonlinear Oscillation Conference Prague, September 9-13, 1996, Vol. 1, pp. 435-439.

13.                 K. Szabelski, G. Litak, J. Warmiński and G. Spuz-Szpos, “Chaotic Vibrations  of the Parametric System with Backlash and  Non-Linear Elasticity”, Proceedings of  EUROMECH - 2nd European Nonlinear Oscillation Conference Prague, September 9-13, 1996, Vol. 1, pp. 431-434.

14.                 K. Szabelski, G. Litak,  G. Spuz—Szpos and J. Warmiński, “Vibration Synchronization and Chaos in Self-Excited System with Parametric Forcing and Nonlinear Stiffnes“ Proceedings of  International Conference on Nonlinearity, Bifurcation, Chaos: The Doors to the Future Lódź-Dobieszów, September 16-18, 1996, pp. 165-168.

15.                 G. Litak, G. Spuz--Szpos, K. Szabelski and J. Warmiński, “Regular and Chaotic Motion of Froude Pendulum”, Proceedings of International Conference on Nonlinearity, Bifurcation, Chaos: The Doors to the Future, Lódź-Dobieszów, September 16-18, 1996, 169-173.


16.                 G. Litak, B.L. Gyorffy and K.I. Wysokiński, “Fluctuations of Order Parameter in Disordered  Superconductors with Intersite Pairing”, Institute of Physics UMCS ANNUAL REPORT (1997) 33-34.

17.                 B.L. Gyorffy, G. Litak and K.I. Wysokiński – “Anderson Theorem and Spatial Fluctuations in the Gap of Disordered Superconductors”,  in Fluctuation Phenomena in High Critical Temperature Superconducting Ceramics, Eds. M. Ausloos and  A.A. Varlamov (Kluwer Academic Publishers NATO ASI Series, Dordrecht 1997) 385-396.

18.                 G. Spuz-Szpos, J. Warmiński and G. Litak, ”Modelowanie Wibroizolacji Drgań Zespołu Napędowego Samochodu Lublin”, Proc. of IV Miiędzynarodowa Konferencja  Naukowa, Badania Symulacyjne w Technice Samochodowej, Kazimierz Dolny,  26-27 Maja 1997.

19.                 J. Warmiński, G. Litak and G. Spuz-Szpos,  “Synchronisation  and Chaos in Two Coupled Van der Pol-Duffing Oscillators”, Proceedings of 4th CONFERENCE on DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS - THEORY AND APPLICATIONS", Lódź, 8-9 December 1997, Eds. J. Awrejcewicz, J. Grabski, J.  Mrozowski, pp. 299-304.

20.                  G. Litak, J. Warmiński and J. Lipski, “Self-Excited Vibrations in Cutting Process” Proceedings of 4th CONFERENCE on DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS - THEORY AND APPLICATIONS",  Lódź, 8-9 December 1997, Eds. J. Awrejcewicz, J. Grabski, J. Mrozowski, pp. 193-198.


21.                 W. Przystupa and G. Litak, ”Cutting Process in Presence of Noise”,  Zeszyty Naukowe Katedry Mechaniki Stosowanej 6,  Gliwice 1998  XXXVII Sympozjon "Modelowanie w mechanice", Wisla, luty 1998, (Ed. E. Opoka, Politechnika Ślaska, Gliwice 1998) pp. 304-310.

22.                 J. Warminski, G. Litak, K. Szabelski,  Synchronisation and Chaos in a Parametrically and Self-Excited System With Two Degrees of Freedom, Blacksburg, West Virginia, USA , Seventh Conference On Nonlinear Vibrations, Stability, And Dynamics Of Structures,1998.

23.                 J. Warmiński, G. Litak, J. Lipski, M. Wiercigroch and M.P. Cartmell, ”Chaotic Vibrations in Regenerativ Cutting Process”, Proceedings of IUTAM/IFToMM Symposium on  SYNTHESIS OF NONLINEAR DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, 24-28 August 1998, Riga, Latvia (Riga Technical University Eds. E. Lavendelis and M Zakrzhevsky), 77-78.

24.                 G. Litak, J. Warmiński and  K. Szabelski, Regular and Chaotic Vibrations of A Self-Excited System with Parametric Excitation and Non-Symetric Elasticity”, Proceedings of IUTAM/IFToMM Symposium on SYNTHESIS OF NONLINEAR DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, 24-28 August 1998, Riga, Latvia (Riga Technical University   Eds. E. Lavendelis and M. Zakrzhevsky), 24-28 August 1998, 50-51.

25.                 J. Warmiński, G. Litak, J. Lipski, M. Wiercigroch and  M. Cartmell, ”Drgania regularne i chaotyczne w procesie skrawania wykańczającego” Sympozjum Naukowe "Zagadnienia mechaniki pękania i skrawania materiałów" (Eds. Z. Mróz, T. Sadowski, Lubelskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, Lublin 1998).


26.                 J. Warmiński, G. Litak and K. Szabelski, “Vibrations of a Parametrically and Self-Excited System with Two Degrees of Freedom” in  “Identification  in Engineering Systems”, Proc. of Second  International Conference on Identification in Engineering Systems, Swansea, March 1999, (Eds. M.I. Friswell, J.M. Mottershead and A.W. Lees University of Wales Swansea 1999), pp. 285-294.

27.                 Warmiński, J. Lipski, K. Zaleski, K. Szabelski, G. Litak, A.  Teter and R. Rusinek, “Modelling of Nonlinear Vibrations in Secondary Turning Process”, in Proc. of Workshop on Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Processing, Publishing Company of Technical University of Budapest, Budapest 1999, Eds. G. Stepan and T. Insperger pp. 61-65.

28.                 K. Szabelski, J. Warmiński, G. Litak, J. Lipski and  K. Zaleski, “Identification of cutting process using neural network” , in Proc. Of Workshop on Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Processing, Publishing Company of Technical University of Budapest, Budaspest 1999, Eds. G. Stepan and T. Insperger pp. 47-50.

29.                 Wiercigroch, M.; Cartmell, M.P.; Warminski, J.; Litak, G. and  Lipski, J., “Modelling of Nonlinear Vibrations in Secondary Turning Process”, Copenhagen, Dennmark , EUROMECH, Third European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference, 3rd ENOC, 1999.

30.                 G. Litak and  J. Warminski, “Modelling of Gear system Vibrations”, Copenhagen, Dennmark , EUROMECH, Third European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference, 3rd ENOC ,1999. 

31.                 B.L. Gyorffy, Z. Szotek, W. Temmerman, G. Litak, A.M. Martin,  J.F. Annett and K.I. Wysokiński, “Quasi-particles and Van Hove Scenario for the Superconducting Cuprates”, Newsletter 33, June 1999 (psi-network http://psi-k.dl.ac.uk).


32.                 J. Warmiński, G. Litak, J. Lipski, M. Wiercigroch and  M.P. Cartmell,  “Vibrations in Regenerativ Cutting Process”, in  Synthesis of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Eds. E. Lavendelis and M. Zakrzhevsky, SOLID MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS Vol. 73 (Kluwer Academic Publisher 2000) pp. 275--283.

33.                 J. Warmiński, G. Litak K. Szabelski, “Dynamic Phenomena in Gear Boxes”, in “Applied Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos of Mechanical Systems with Discontinuities”, Word Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science A Vol. 28, (Eds. M. Wiercigroch and B. de Kraker, World Scientific,  Singapore 2000) pp. 177—206

34.                 J. Lipski, G. Litak, R. Rusinek, K. Szabelski, A. Teter, J. Warmiński, and K. Zaleski, “Molleling of Nonlinear Vibrations in a Cutting Process Considering Surface Quality of a Work Material” in Proc of the 3rd International Symposium "Investigation of  Nonlinear Dynamic Effects in Production Systems", 26-27 September 2000, Cottbus  2000, 17.


35.                 J. Lipski, G. Litak, R. Rusinek, K. Szabelski, A. Teter, J. Warmiński and K. Zaleski, ”Badania Drgań w procesie Toczenia Stopu Tytanu”,  Materiały Konferencji Naukowo-Technicznej "Wytwarzanie Elementów Maszyn ze Stopów Metali o Specjalnych Własnościach", Ed. M. Korzycki, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, Rzeszów-Bystre 2001, p. 67-74.

36.                 G. Litak, J.F. Annett, B.L. Gyorffy, “Superconductivity in Disordered Sr2RuO4”, in “Open Problems in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems”, Ed. J. Bonca et al. (Kluwer Academic Publishers NATO Science Series, Dordrecht 2001) 425-427.

37.                 J. Lipski, K. Zaleski, K. Szabelski, J. Warmiński, R. Rusinek and G. Litak, “Prediction of nonlinear cutting process behaviour using neural-network”,  Proc. of  Workshop on Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Processing, June 2001, (Eds. G. Stepan, T. Insperger), Publishing Company of Technical University of Budapest, Budapest 2001. p. 19-20.

38.                 R. Rusinek, J. Warmiński, K. Szabelski, A. Teter, G. Litak, J. Lipski and K. Zaleski, “Dynamical Model of Cutting Process with Stiffness Changeable in Time”,  Proc. of Workshop on Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Processing, June 2001, (Eds. G. Stepan, T. Insperger), Publishing Company of Technical University of Budapest, Budapest 2001, p. 47-51.

39.                 K. Zaleski, A. Teter, R. Rusinek, J. Lipski, J. Warmiński, K. Szabelski and G. Litak, ”Analiza Jednowymiarowego Modelu Toczenia  Wzdłużnego Elementów o Różnej Sztywności”,  in Technologiczne Systemy Informacyjne w Inżynierii Produkcji i Kształceniu Technicznym, (Lubelskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, Lublin 2001).  


40.                 G. Litak, J.F. Annett, B.L. Gyorffy and K.I. Wysokiński, “P-wave pairing superconductivity in Sr2RuO4”, in New Trends in Superconductivity, Eds. J.F. Annett and S. Kruchinin (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 2002)  pp. 307-316.

41.                 G. Litak, J.F. Annett, B.L. Gyorffy and K.I. Wysokiński, “Three Band Model for Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4”, in  Proceedings of the IX School on High temperature Superconductivity, Krynica-Czarny Potok, Poland, June 10-14 2001, (Kraków 2002), pp.  117-122.

42.                 G. Litak, “Effect of Disorder on a D-wave Superconductor”, in Proceedings of the IX School on High temperature Superconductivity, Krynica-Czarny Potok, Poland, June 10-14 2001, (Kraków 2002), pp. 123-126.

43.                 G. Litak, “Selected Problems in Nonlinear  Vibrations” (Ed. Alessandro Giadrossi, Insitute of Applied Technics, Lublin 2002).


44.                 G. Litak and M.I. Friswell, “Nonlinear Vibration in Gear Systems”, in: Radons G., Neugebauer R. (Eds.), Proc. of 4th International Symposium Investigations of Nonlinear Dynamic Effects in Production Systems, Chemnitz, 8.IV.2003-9.IV.2003. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Zwickau, 2003.

45.                 M. Wendeker, G. Litak, R. Taccani and  A. Giadrossi, “Origin of Nonperiodic Pressure Oscillations in Spark  Ignition Engines”,  SAE_NA paper 2003-01-04, 2003.


46.                 G. Litak and M.I. Friswell, “Nonlinear Vibrations in Gear Systems”, in Nonlinear Dynamic Effects of Production Systems, G. Radons, R. Neugebauer (Eds.) Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2004, p. 331-340.


47.                 A. Syta, G. Litak, M. Wiercigroch,  "Nonlinear Cutting Process by the 0-1 Test",  in Proc. of Euromech 498 Colloquium, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland 21st -­24th May 2008.

48.                 G. Litak, J.T. Sawicki,, "Cracked Rotor Vibrations by Multifractal Analysis", in Proc. of Euromech 498 Colloquium, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland 21st ­-24th May 2008.

49.                 M. Borowiec, G. Litak,, "Melnikov Approach in a Two-Degree-Of-Freedom Oscillator with a Kinematic Excitation", in Proc. of Euromech 498 Colloquium, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland 21st- ­24th May 2008.


50.                 A.K. Sen and  G. Litak, “Dynamics of Pressure Fluctuations in Internal Combustion Engines”, in Traffic Related Air Pollution and Internal Combustion Engines (Eds. Sergey Demidov and Jacques Bonnet, NOVA Science Publishers, New York 2009).

51.                 G. Litak, A.K. Sen, R. Longwic, and K. Górski, “ Dynamics of Pressure Fluctuations in a Combustion Engine Fired by Different Fuels”,  in Proc. of 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration on CD, Kraków, Poland, 5–9 July 2009, Eds. Marek Pawełczyk and Dariusz Bismor p. 68 (ISSN 978-83-60716-71-7).

52.                 G. Litak and A.K. Sen, “Cutting Process under Chaotic ad Noisy Conditions”, in Proc. of 10th Conference on Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications, Dec. 7-10 (2009) Łódż, Poland. 


53.                 G. Litak, L.M. Saha, and  M. Ali, ”Continous and Pulsive Feedback Control of Chaos” , in Recent Progress in Controlling Chaos, Mi.A.F. Sanjuan and C. Greborgi (Eds), World Scientific,  Singapore 2010.


54.                 G. Litak and R. Rusinek, “Dynamics of a Steel Turning Process”, in Chaos Theory: Modeling Simulations and Applications, C.H. Skiadias and C. Skiadias (Eds.), Word Scientific, Singapore 2011, pp. 445-448.


1.                      G. Litak, M. Coccolo, M.I. Friswell, S.F. Ali, S. Adhikari, A.W. Lees, and O. Bilgen, “Nonlinear Oscillations of an Elastic Inverted Pendulum”, Proceedings of NSC 2012 – 4th IEEE International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity • August 6-11, 2012 • Budapest, Hungary, IEEE, Budapest 2012, pp. 113-116.

2.                      G. Litak and R. Rusinek, “Identification of Turning and Milling Processes by Stochastic Langevin Equations”, Proceedings of NSC 2012 – 4th IEEE International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity • August 6-11, 2012 • Budapest, Hungary, IEEE, Budapest 2012, pp. 41-43.

3.                      G. Litak, A. Syta, S. Lenci, M. Scheffler, ”Chaotic Vibrations of the Duffing System with Fractional Damping”, Proc. of 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Eds. G.A. Holzapfel and R.W. Ogden, Graz Austria, July 2012. No. 54071.


4.                      A. Rysak, M. Scheffler, J. Gier, M. Borowiec, G. Litak,, "Energy harvesting in a  beam system with an additional moving mass", in Proc. of DSTA 2013, Lodz, Dec 2-5, 2013, "Dynamical Systems Applications" pp. 741-750.

5.                      G. Litak, D. Toma, C. Vinolo, A. Manuel, A. Rysak, J. del Rio, "Energy harvesting in a pendulum system with impacts", in Proc. of DSTA 2013, Lodz, Dec 2-5, 2013, "Dynamical Systems Applications",pp. 105-110.

6.                      A. Rysak, M. Mueller, M. Borowiec, J. Zubrzycki, G. Litak, "Energy harvesting in beam system with impacts: experimental studies", in Proc. of DSTA 2013, Lodz, Dec 2-5, 2013, "Dynamical Systems Applications", pp. 507-512.

7.                      M. Borowiec, G. Litak, "Stochastic coherence resonance in a bistable system with fractional damping", in Proc. of DSTA 2013, Lodz, Dec 2-5, 2013, "Dynamical Systems Theory", pp. 329-336.


8.                      A. Syta, G. Litak,  Dynamical response of a Van der Pol system with an external harmonic excitation and fractional derivative” in Discontinuity and Complexity in Nonlinear Physical Systems v. 6, Ed. J. Tenreiro Machado, Dumitru Baleanu, Albert Luo, Springer (2014) pp. 107-112.

9.                      G. Litak, R. Rusinek, K. Kecik, A. Rysak, A. Syta,Dynamics of composite milling: application of recurrence plots to Huang experimental modes” in Discontinuity and Complexity in Nonlinear Physical Systems v. 6 , Ed. J. Tenreiro Machado, Dumitru Baleanu, Albert Luo, Springer (2014) pp. 359-357.

10.                 M Borowiec, G Litak, S Lenci,Basins of attraction in a simple harvesting system with a stopper” in Discontinuity and Complexity in Nonlinear Physical Systems v. 6, Ed. J. Tenreiro Machado, Dumitru Baleanu, Albert Luo, Springer (2014) pp. 315-321.